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What is the Best Skin Care Routine for Acne?
Having acne prone skin can feel like a constant battle between your skin and your skin care. Whilst we might do all we can to avoid our acne triggers (which might be stress, diet related or down to the weather being too humid and sweaty or too cold and harsh), finding the right skin care can be tricky.

Foods that cause eczema
Diet and Eczema: Foods that Cause Eczema Flares Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition, and many people with eczema struggle to keep their sympto...

Acne away cream
Skincare for Acne Prone Skin: The Best Ingredients for Acne If you have skin that breaks out in spots, pimples and even pustules on a whim, then yo...

The Skin Benefits of Eating a Low Sugar Breakfast
Breakfast, as they say, is the most important meal of the day. But not all meals that break our overnight fast are created equal. It’s fairly clear...

Laser Treatment for Acne and Acne Scars
Acne is a common but distressing skin condition that's ultimately caused by blockages within the pores of the skin that lead to whiteheads, blackhe...

What Are the Benefits of DMAE Skincare Products?
DMAE is a derivative of a nutrient called choline which is a relatively recently discovered nutrient. It’s said that DMAE can help to reduce fine lines.

Can You Use Body Lotion on Your Face?
Is there really is a need to use certain types of moisturiser on certain types of the body?

How to get rid of oily skin
Ah, the dreaded shine. Whilst some people seem to get away with a healthy glow, some of us experience oily skin that looks more greasy than glowy. ...

Are peptides safe in skincare?
Peptides are also called polypeptides and are a type of ‘mini’ protein. Both proteins and peptides are made up of the same building blocks - amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids, some that the body can naturally synthesise and some that we get from the protein rich foods that we eat.

What is Cyclopentasiloxane in Skin Care?
Cyclopentasiloxane in effect, is a type of silicone. It’s also used as a lubricant and emollient, as it helps the skin and hair absorb heavier, larger molecular weight ingredients. So what does it do? Let's take a look and find out.

What is Silica, Where is it Found and What are the Top Silica Benefits for Skin?
It’s no secret that here at Sönd, we’re fans of silica. It’s the superstar ingredient in our alkalising skincare range and the key ingredient that ...

How to Treat Dry Skin with Acne 
If you have acne, the chances are, you also have oiliness. Acne is often associated with oily skin and they often go together, like some kind of un...

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