10 top tips for healthy skin

Every girl dreams about having perfect skin. Whilst makeup can enhance your beauty and hide the imperfections, it's important to have healthy strong skin. We've made a list of 10 common mistakes which should be avoided in order to have glowing skin:

1. Choosing the wrong skincare products.

This is a common mistake, but luckily it is one that can be easily avoided. Your skincare should suit your skin type and your age. A dermatologist or a cosmetologist can help you identify your skin type if you are in doubt, whilst as much as we want to prevent ageing it might be a bit early to start using anti-ageing products in your early 20s. Make sure you take time to choose your skincare carefully, as the wrong products can do more harm than good.

2. Forgetting to use SPF.

Cosmetologists recommend using a SPF cream with at least SPF15, even if you are not constantly exposed to the sun. People with fair and sensitive skin might want to opt for a higher factor and reapply the cream throughout the day. SPF helps protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, preventing early wrinkles and fine lines.

3. Applying a moisturiser on wet skin.

Some mistakenly assume that applying a moisturiser straight after washing your face will help retain moisture in your skin. That's not true. For best results after you cleanse your face you should pat dry it with a towel, use a toner, and wait for it to absorb. Once your skin is dry you can apply the moisturiser.

4. Using a foaming cleanser.

A long session with an extra-lathery soap or cleanser sounds (and feels) like the epitome of clean, but in reality, the abundance of bubbles could be doing more harm to your sensitive skin than you realise because of one pesky ingredient: sodium laurel sulfate. This is the ingredient that causes the foaming, and can be irritating for sensitive skin, especially for those with eczema, psoriasis or acne.

If you have sensitive skin it is worth opting for gentle milk cleansers.

5. Washing your face with hot water.

Washing your face with hot water (just like having hot showers) can strip away the essential oils from your skin leaving it dry. The optimal temperature water that you should clean your face with is luke warm.

6. Ignoring skin around the eyes.

The skin around the eye is extra sensitive and thin. It requires a special cream, especially as we age and start getting fine lines around the eyes. The cream should be applied in light massaging motion from the outer corner to the inner corner of the eye. It is also important to remember to apply the cream to the bone that surrounds the eye, rather than the moving eye lid.

7. Sleeping with your face pressed against the pillow.

Sleeping on our side or on our stomach is a very common sleep position for us, but unfortunately it is the worst for the appearance of your skin. Placing your face directly on the pillow creates friction on the skin, leading to more pronounced wrinkles and often breakouts. Sleeping on your back is the optimal position - it keeps everything off your face, including dirt and oil from the pillow and grease from your hair, and prevents any friction to the skin that can stretch collagen fibers and lead to wrinkles.

8. Not washing your pillowcase often enough.

No matter how much we love getting into bed after a long day, it's important to note that our pillowcase can often be the reason for breakouts. No matter what material your pillowcase is (whether it's cotton, silk or satin), it builds up in grime, dirt and wet, which can transfer on to your face, clogging pores and leading to breakouts. It is recommended to wash your pillowcases every 2-3 days and try to avoid liquid fabric softeners, as those often leave a waxy residue that is highly pore-clogging.

9. Touching your face with your hands

Try to completely avoid touching your face throughout the day, whether you are at work, outside or in public transport. This can transfer bacteria onto your face and lead to breakouts, so make sure you clean your hands with soap and warm water before touching your face.

10. Not using a toner

After cleansing your face you should use a toner on a cotton pad. It helps to get rid of excess water and oils, shrinks pores, and most importantly it prepares your skin for the next product (a moisturiser) to penetrate deep into the skin layers.

Special thanks for inspirational credits to: Allure, Self, The Huffington Post, Bright Side Me, Cosmopolitan.

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