How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

If you struggle with skin that breaks out easily, leaving you with spots and pimples, then we hear you. With acne prone skin ourselves, we know that having an acne breakout is upsetting. Even worse is when a nasty spot finally disappears, only for it to leave behind a mark, a dark area of pigmentation or a scar. A permanent reminder of the long-disappeared breakout.

Depending on the type of acne spots and skin type you have, the annoying fact is, sometimes, scarring happens, even if we haven’t picked or squeezed and we’ve followed all the rules.

But can we do anything about acne scars? Can we reduce scarring? On a professional skincare expert level, we can try injections, laser treatment and chemical peels. But if they sound a bit scary (and expensive), we’ve put together a list of treatments and home remedies you might like to try to help reduce acne scars and acne marks.

If your scarring is particularly aggressive, we would always advise speaking to a doctor or a dermatologist for advice.

What Causes Acne Scars from Spots on My Face?

All scarring of the skin is formed when the tissues that form the dermis underneath the top layers of skin (called the epidermis) are damaged. Part of the natural healing process for the skin involves the production of collagen, the protein that keeps the skin plump. When the dermis is damaged however, collagen fibres concentrate in the area, and this results in a scar. The formation of acne scarring is no different.

How noticeable the scarring is will depend on how great the injury was - in this case, how large the acne lesion was. It will also depend on our age, how quickly our skin heals and our skin type and tone.

Are Acne Scars Permanent?

How long your scar might hang around for will depend on how severe it was to start with. Mild scars can completely disappear over time, whereas moderate or severe scars might only fade and still be visible, albeit, to a lesser extent.

Having acne can leave long-term marks behind. If you have scars that are still visible, despite trying to fade them and they're bothering you, laser treatments and chemical peels may help you. Speak to your dermatologist for advice.

If you're feeling anxious or depressed about your skin, speak to your GP who may be able to refer you for therapy with a specialist who can help you come to terms with your type of acne scarring.

Can I Prevent Acne Scars with Natural Remedies?

Scarring caused by acne sadly is always going to be a possibility. The best way to help prevent them is to try to avoid picking or scratching at your skin when you're having a breakout. Following our steps to help get rid of acne naturally can also be helpful.

Natural Acne Scar Treatment: How Can I Remove Acne Scars at Home?

If your scars are relatively mild, you may be able to minimise them using natural treatments. However, deep scars, such as v-shaped ice pick scars, u-shaped boxcar scars or raised scars caused by too much collagen to heal acne breakouts, can be more difficult. Icepick scars and boxcar and rolling scars are examples of atrophic scars that sit below the surrounding skin. Hypertrophic scars are raised above the skin and can appear more red and inflamed.

They may fade, but they may not completely disappear. An aggressive form of inflammatory acne may also cause raised acne scars that are difficult to reduce completely. If you have red, sensitive skin, you may find help to remove acne scars actually makes your skin more sensitive.

Home Remedies to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

Here's our remedies that may help to remove or reduce acne scars.

Lemon or Lime Juice

The acidic nature of lemon and lime juice could be one of the ways to remove scars on the face naturally. They can help to lighten the skin, helping to reduce the appearance of dark acne marks.

Apply a couple of drops of freshly squeezed juice to the affected areas and rest for a few minutes before washing off with warm water. The acidity in the juice is also great for removing dead skin cells and promoting the regeneration of new ones, which helps to keep the pores clear and prevent further breakouts.

Home Remedies for Acne Scars Overnight: Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a type of fruit acid that gently peels away the upper layers of skin, to reveal the fresh, new skin underneath. It's often used to treat acne and old scars left behind, both in salons and at home. Salon treatments tend to use a stronger solution of salicylic acid, but at home it can be used to help remove scars.

The appearance of acne scars can be reduced significantly by using products that contain salicylic acid, and it can also reduce the appearance of acne itself.

How to Get Rid of Pimple Scars with Olive Oil

Olive oil is another one of the effective natural remedies to help clear the skin and reduce the appearance of scarring. It's full of antioxidants and helps to promote clear skin.

Lightly massage a small amount onto affected areas and let the skin absorb it. This will help to moisturise the skin, make it smooth and reduce and any scarring.

>If you have oily skin, you might be hesitant to add more oil to your face, but olive oil is different to the oil we naturally produce. First of all, its non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores but will actually dissolve unwanted bacteria, dead skin cells and any excess sebum. Secondly, it’s a great moisturiser. Sealing moisture into your skin can calm the sebaceous glands and stop them from over producing pore clogging oil.

How to Remove Acne Marks with Rose Water

Rose Water can be a great way to treat both your pimples and any marks they might leave behind. For the best results, mix rose water with lemon juice - we recommend 1 tbsp of rose water to 2 tbsp of lemon juice.

Soak a clean wash cloth in the mixture and dab over the face. Then allow your skin to dry naturally before washing off any residue and patting dry with a clean towel.

The mixture of rose and lemon encourages pimples to heal without having to pick or squeeze (a common cause of scarring). It also stimulates the growth of new healthy skin cells around spots and pimples, reducing the likelihood that a scar will form. It’s important to note that rose water should be avoided if you have rosacea or particularly oily skin.

How to Get Rid of Spot Marks with... Potato Juice

Yep, we said it. Potato Juice.

Potatoes contain an enzyme called catecholase that can help to lighten the skin. If you don't know how to extract the juice from a potato, you're amongst friends here. Neither do we. Instead, you can wash, dry and peel a potato and cut it into slices.

Then, rub the slices onto the affected areas – using a different slice for each area to prevent the spread of bacteria. The texture of the potato will also gently exfoliate your skin, helping slough away any dead skin cells. The acid in the potatoes can also work as a mild antibacterial agent, which might help prevent the root cause of your breakouts.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scarring with Baking Powder

Not just for cakes, baking powder is an anti-inflammatory and is naturally alkaline. It will counteract your skins acidity during a breakout, helping to neutralise the pH levels in your skin. It will help lighten hyperpigmented acne scars and fade dark spots or areas of hyperpigmentation.

To create a quick recipe for a face mask, mix 2 tbsp of baking soda with warm water to form a paste. Wash your face and pat dry before applying and then allow the mask to sit for around 15 minutes. Then simply rinse with warm water.

If you want something less time consuming, add half a teaspoon of baking soda to your regular cleanser once or twice a week.

How to Get Rid of Acne Spots Using Fuller’s Earth

A great solution for people with oilier skin, Fuller’s Earth is an oil-absorbing clay that reduces the appearance of different types of acne scars whilst also helping to fight breakouts. Its packed with skin-loving, entirely natural ingredients such as lime and sulphur. It lightens the skin and rejuvenate the top layer, reducing the appearance of scars and helping to restore an even and healthy skin tone.

If your breakouts are a result of oily skin, Fuller's Clay is also a natural way to take away excess sebum without using abrasive chemicals. For a quick, natural home remedy, mix the clay with one egg white and apply all over the face and any other affected area. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water using gentle massaging motions, or alternatively, soak a cotton ball with rose water and use small circular wipes to remove the clay.

How Do Dermatologists Treat Acne Scars?

If you have deep scars or skin that's getting you down, a dermatologist may be able to help you by using methods to heal acne wounds and causes. Our suggested remedies may not work if you have moderate or severe scarring, and dermatologist may suggest laser or skin peel treatments to reduce your acne scarring.

Ways to Remove Acne Scars: Getting Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

Anytime you make changes to your skin care routine, it’s important to give it time before judging the results. We all want overnight success but unfortunately that’s rarely the case. Also, don’t make too many changes at once – it can put your skin under stress and make it hard to gauge what's working.

If natural remedies don’t appear to be working for you, always contact a doctor or dermatologist before using any harsh chemicals on your skin.

To give your skin the best chance of healing, you need to be giving as much thought to your skincare routine as anything else. The Sönd alkalising skincare range has been developed with skin just like yours in mind. So give your skin a treat with Sönd! Choose from our gentle cleanser and toner combo, and follow up with our nourishing day and night creams.

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