Mens skincare

The men's skin care industry is booming, as younger generations have embraced thorough skin care regimes. While in the past, there was a certain resistance to male grooming products, this has now subsided. Young men are more keen to look after their skin than ever before, while many older men have been won over too.

In truth, there is no logical reason why men were ever so averse to skincare products in the first place. Nevertheless, the change in attitudes is a welcome one and future generations can look forward to enjoying the various benefits that come from using grooming products regularly and taking care of their skin.

Why is mens skincare important?

Despite the recent general acceptance that men's skin care is important, some people still remain unconvinced. So, it may be better to frame the question as 'why wouldn't men's skin care be important?'

Research shows that skin conditions like acne affect men and women equally. Additionally, the damage that the sun, or cold weather, does to the skin impacts men and women in the same way. Pollution, cigarette smoke and other contributors to the formation of free radicals do the same damage to men as they do to women.

In fact, there is an argument to say that, in some ways, skin care for men is actually more important than it is for women. After all, men tend to shave their faces regularly - in many cases every single day - and this leads to accumulative damage and irritation, which makes moisturising extremely valuable.

Moreover, men's skin is thicker and produces more natural oil, due to greater levels of sebum production. As a result, the use of a daily face wash is essential for eliminating excess oil build up, which can contribute to a huge number of skin problems, including the formation of spots.

Mens skincare tips & advice

The first and most critical piece of skin care advice men need to take on board is the importance of developing a consistent skin care regime. This means using a high-quality skin cleansing product every day and this should be used first thing in the morning and last thing before bed, with warm water, in order to achieve the best results.

In addition to the use of a cleanser twice a day, men should also make use of both a toner and a moisturiser.

Usually, it is best to apply a toner first, then apply a moisturiser after the toner has dried. In skin care, a toner is a product which helps to further cleanse the skin, but also to lessen the appearance of pores. The main consequence of enlarge pores is rougher looking skin, so a toner product can help to produce a smoother look.

Moisturising products, on the other hand, help to replace and seal in the skin's natural moisture. Maintaining the right moisture level is essential for avoiding various problems, like dry skin and flaky skin. It also improves the overall appearance of the skin, giving it a healthy glow and making it appear less dull.

It is also crucial to assist this regime by looking after your skin as much as possible generally. When out in the sun for prolonged periods, use a sun screen product. Try to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Stress can also have an adverse effect on the skin, so wherever possible, try to manage or limit stress.

Things to avoid

Although skin care is vital, not all skin care products are created equally and there are certain things to be aware of and to keep away from, especially if you have a sensitive skin type, or are suffering from a skin condition such as acne or eczema, which can be exacerbated by certain ingredients.

In particular, it is best to stay away from overly acidic products and, if at all possible, use alkaline based cleansers, toners and moisturisers. An alkaline based product will be more gentle on the skin and will also be less likely to strip the skin of its essential natural moisture and protective barrier.

Studies show that alkaline products increase blood flow and allow for the absorption of more water, which improves the appearance of skin. You can tell an alkaline product by the pH score provided. A neutral score is seven, with acidic products having a pH of lower than seven and alkaline products having a score above seven.

The optimum range for ensuring skin is sufficiently cleansed, without causing irritation, is in the region of pH 7.2 to PH 7.5. However, many of the skin care products on the market today have a pH score in the region of 5.5.

It is also important to try to match products as best as possible. So, for example, if you use an alkaline cleanser, it is essential that it is paired with an alkaline moisturiser and an alkaline toner. If you use an acidic toner after using an alkaline cleanser, you may disrupt some of the progress you would otherwise be making.

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