The Sönd System

Skincare is everywhere we look. TV, glossy mags and Instagram are all full of adverts and influencers selling us the “best” products, preying on all our insecurities. We can banish fine lines and winkles, plump up sagging skin, brighten and tighten and even out skin tone.

But aside from products, what seems to be everywhere at the moment, is not necessarily what we use, but how we use them. Skincare regimens , rather than products are de rigueur right now, and the more steps the better.

In this article

Skincare Steps Aplenty?
Your Morning Sönd Skincare Routine
Your Evening Sönd Skincare Routine

If you’ve had a conversation with a friend about their 12 step skincare regime before they go to bed, whilst you can just about manage a quick sweep with a face wipe (we’re not ones to judge, but if this is you every night, then you skin won’t be thanking you for it!), then you’re not alone. Multi step skincare memes aplenty on social media.

Skincare Steps Aplenty?

So how many steps should we be adding to our skincare routine? The answer is really up to you. Here at Sönd we have all the products you need for a multi step skincare regime, but how many of them you use is entirely your choice.

Some people like to use all of our products (as they all complement each other so well) while others choose the ones they like. And whatever you chose, is entirely fine with us!

We’d never tell you to absolutely follow our full routine. That would just come across as pushy and disingenuous. All of our products work well alone or as a set. Plus, if you have particularly contrary, stressed out or sensitive skin, then jumping into all of our products all at once might be too much for your skin and cause it to overreact.

But if you’re wondering how to use all of our products together and in what order, or you’re interested to know for when you’re ready, here’s how to use all of our products in the right order…

Your Morning Sönd Skincare Routine

First up, are our Silica Supplements for healthy skin. We know, supplements! Many would say that taking a supplement isn’t actually part of a skincare routine, but we would argue otherwise.

What we choose to eat and how hydrated we are plays a role in the health and appearance of our skin (fruits and vegetables laden with vitamins and antioxidants - big healthy skin tick, vs fatty, fried, processed foods and sugary drinks - skin nightmare). So it stands to reason that taking a nutritional supplement will also support healthy skin.

We believe in supporting the health of the skin from the inside as well as the outside. Silica plays a role in the production of collagen and also acts as an anti inflammatory agent. So, taking silica supplements can benefit the skin by helping to promote plumpness, and protect it from inflammation.

Our silica supplements are designed to be taken in the morning with breakfast. So make them a regular with your coffee and breakfast for a healthy start to the day !

As an added bonus, silica supplements also help to promote strong, healthy hair !

Facial cleansing

You might be a fan of the double cleanse , or you might favour a one stop cleanser to do it all. Either way, our Rebalance and Reset Cream Cleanser (previously our Clean Slate Cream Cleanser - new by name, but not by nature) is ideal.

Gentle but effective and containing naturally derived ingredients such as shea oil and cocoa butter to gently melt away dirt, it’s perfect for all skin types. Even the most sensitive or prone to acne, oiliness, dryness or redness.

Use it each morning to remove oil, dirt and sweat that builds up on the skin overnight. (It’ll also remove stale, skin dulling makeup that’s been left from the night before if you used face wipes…)

It’s All About the Tone

Not everyone uses a toner, and that’s perfectly fine. But if you wish to use one, then our Refreshing Essence Toner is waiting for you!

It can be used by directly spritzing it all over the face and then gently removing it with a clean cotton pad, or by spraying onto a cotton pad and wiping it over the face. Our toner removes impurities and any excess cleanser left behind, leaving the skin clan, clear and fresh.

Packed with natural botanicals, it refreshes the skin, adds hydration and leaves it ready for the next step - moisturising (or using a serum).

Serum - An Optional Step

Serums are like tiny little powerhouses for the skin, and our Deep Hydration Serum (formerly known as our Strength Training Serum) is no different. Again, not everyone chooses to use one, but serums contain concentrated skin loving ingredients that act as a great pre-moisturising step.

It can be used in the morning after cleansing and toning, or it can be used as part of your night time regime. It should only be used once a day, so the choice of morning or evening is up to you.

Our serum hydrates, restores elasticity, supports skin cell regeneration and strengthens the natural defenses of the skin.

Day Time Moisturising

The oh so popular Sönd Sidekick Day Cream has also had a makeover (in name, not nature - it’s still exactly the same on the inside). Now going by the name of Calming Hydration Day Cream , it keeps the skin happily hydrated all day long.

Suitable for all skin types including acne prone, dry, oily or sensitive, it’s full of naturally derived plant based ingredients to calm, soothe and hydrate. Gently rub it into your entire face and neck using light circular motions and leave for a few minutes to sink in before applying makeup (if you wear it).

Our products are based around our unique alkalising silica salt complex that deeply penetrates and supports cell regeneration and hydration where it matters.

We haven’t added a sunscreen to our day time moisturiser, so if you like to wear one, now is the time to add yours. If you prefer not to (we didn’t add one as we know that so many of you prefer the choice) then make sure you cover your skin with a wide brimmed hat if you’re planning to be in the sun for a long period of time. Or, avoid being outside in the hottest part of the day when the sun is at its strongest - generally between 11am and 3pm.

Targeting Problem Areas

Finally, if you have active spots or blemishes, our brand new Breakout Roller has been made for you!

Our Breakout Roller can be used whenever you need it, to target problem areas. It gently opens the pores to help clear them of the dirt and debris that leads to flare ups. Chamomile and liquorice also help to calm irritated or inflamed skin.

Simply roll it over the area, leave to dry and away you go.

Your Evening Sönd Skincare Routine

Whether you wear makeup or not, a good evening skincare routine starts with cleansing. Cleansing removes makeup, obviously. But it also removes dead skin cells, cellular debris, sweat, dirt, excess oil and environmental pollutants and toxins.

These can all build up on the skin during the day, and can play havoc blocking the pores and potentially causing spots and dullness. So all these pesky things need to be swept away, and that’s where our Rebalance & Reset Cream Cleanser comes in, again!

Our same cleanser that you use in the morning can also be used in the evening to wipe away the day. Massage a few pumps into dry skin and then either wipe away with a clean, damp cloth or rinse away with warm water. Pat your skin dry - hello super clean skin!

Masking the Problem?

Even by properly cleansing your skin twice a day, the pores can still become blocked and lead to spots and acne breakouts. Especially so if you have particularly oily skin, that can cause shininess, greasiness and pore blockages.

That’s why we developed our Purifying Clay Face Mask . Containing just two ingredients bentonite and zeolite clays, it draws impurities from the skin, absorbs toxins and replaces them with skin loving minerals.

Designed to be used once or twice a week, mix with a little water to create a paste, apply to the skin and leave for ten to 15 minutes before rinsing away.

Evening Serum

Now is the best time to use your Sönd Deep Hydration Serum as the beneficial ingredients can work on your skin as you sleep.

Apply a thin layer to clean skin before moisturising, not forgetting your neck and if you wish, your decolletage, too.

Night Time Moisturising

And finally, your Sönd Overnight Replenishment Night Cream ! Like our day time moisturiser, this has had a revamp on the outside too, as it was formerly our Midnight Feast Night Cream.

Packed with skin loving ingredients such as argan, coconut and hemp oils, it soothes, nourishes and hydrates the skin overnight. Apply one or two pumps to the skin using gentle circular massaging movements and allow it to settle in before you settle in for the night.

Letting Sönd Take Care of Your Skincare

So there you have it, the complete Sönd skincare system! All these steps might sound like a lengthy process, but they’re all super quick yet will deeply benefit your skin.

There’s nothing faddish or complex about our skincare products - just simple, natural ingredients, powered by our silica salt complex to benefit your skin.

If you want to use our entire product range but you’re concerned that it might be too much for your skin, then we suggest building up slowly. Perhaps begin with our cream cleanser and day and night creams for a month or so, then add in extra products one at a time. You could then add in our serum or maybe our face mask once a week.

What’s more, we’ve recently switched to eco friendly packaging for all of our products, using bioplastics and recycled plastics instead of virgin petrochemical based plastics. And we couldn’t be more proud of our planet friendly stance.

How many Sönd products you choose to use is your choice, but whatever you decide, enjoy!


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