Best Vitamins for Oily Skin

Best Vitamins for Oily Skin

Having oily skin can mean that you get lost in a world of endless different skin care products all promising to help control your shine and manage your sebum levels. Knowing how to get rid of oily skin with the right skincare can be tricky enough. Trying to find supplementary products such as the best vitamins for oily skin can make things even harder!

It can be mind boggling to know which products to choose as the best products for oily skin. So here's the Sönd guide to all the ingredients and vitamins that promise to regulate sebum production. Plus, we have a scientific look at whether they can actually work to keep your skin healthy.

The list of important vitamins below is extensive and what might work for one person to keep the skin oil free may not work for another. So give them a try and find out what works for you.

What Are the Causes of Oily Skin?

Greasy, oily or acne-prone skin can be down to a number of different reasons ranging from genetics to hormones, stress and diet:

  • Genetics - if one or both of our parents have oily skin, we have a greater chance of also struggling with an overproduction of sebum, the natural oil produced by the skin.
  • Stress - when we experience stress, we release the stress hormone cortisol, that can stimulate the production of sebum.
  • Hormones - an increase in the male hormones called androgens (testosterone is the most well known androgen) can cause the skin to become oilier. This is common during hormonally controlled events such as puberty, periods, pregnancy and the menopause.
  • Ageing - some people experience oilier skin as they get older.
  • Diet - some foods can cause an overproduction of sebum, the most common culprit being milk and other dairy products.
  • Pollution - both outdoor and indoor pollution (caused by wood burning stoves and scented candles for example) can buildup on the skin, block the pores and lead to oily skin.
  • Pore-blocking skincare products and makeup - these tend to be oil based and heavier on the skin than non-pore blocking or non-comedogenic products.
  • Over-washing - cleansing the face more than twice a day can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading it to produce more, which can then cause oily, greasy skin. A simple skincare routine using gently hydrating products including a cleanser for oily skin is the best skincare regime for oily skin.
  • Not using moisturiser - if you have oily skin, it can be tempting to skip the moisturiser. But doing so will lead to the skin drying out, which can then become oilier as the skin overcompensates. A moisturiser for oily skin is best.

But despite all of these causes for oily skin, it is possible to manage this skin type to help avoid shine and oiliness. Here we’re going to look at the best supplements and ingredients found in skin care products for oily skin.

Vitamin Supplements to Reduce Sebum Production

You may be able to better manage greasy skin by taking a daily vitamin for oily skin. Give it a few months to see if you notice any difference - perseverance is key here!

Vitamin B to Help Control Oily Skin

There are many different types of B vitamins that protect the skin, but B6 and B12 vitamins are good for oily skin and excessive sebum production. Especially so if your oily skin is caused by hormonal imbalances around the time of your period or if you’re experiencing the menopause.

Vitamin C for Skin Health

Using a vitamin C serum under your moisturiser could help to control your oily skin outbreaks as it helps to repair damaged or inflamed skin.

Vitamin C can also support healthy overall skin in general by helping with collagen production, maintaining the skin barrier and wound healing. So making sure you get enough vitamin C in your diet by eating foods rich in vitamin C by or taking a daily supplement is always a good idea if you suffer from oily, acne prone skin.

Can Vitamin D Cure Oily Skin?

The body produces vitamin D when sunlight hits the skin. As well as keeping the teeth and bones strong, vitamin D also helps to reduce the risk of insulin resistance . Insulin resistance is a precursor to type 2 diabetes but is also responsible for oily skin.

Many of us in the UK are thought to be deficient as vitamin D intake is low, especially during the winter when sunlight levels are low. So taking a vitamin D supplement could help you in many ways, as well as being a vitamin to reduce sebum production.

Vitamin E for Oily Skin

Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant vitamin that is great for dry skin, but not so for oily skin since it's so moisturising. It's best avoided if you have very oily skin.

Skincare Ingredients for Oily Skin and the Overproduction of Sebum

Aside from vitamin supplements and vitamin C serums for oily skin, there are numerous ingredients that appear in skincare products in supermarkets and pharmacies. Many of which are great for managing excess oil production.

Hyaluronic Acid for Oily Skin

Hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin, leaving it feeling plump and refreshed. It's great for using after skin products such as astringents that you've used to strip away excess oil and tighten enlarged pores.

It won't cause the skin to feel oily like some moisturisers, and will help to hydrate the skin without causing excess sebum production.

Calendula for Oily Skin

Calendula is a type of botanical, extracted from the flowers of the marigold plant. It's a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent used in many skin healing, natural preparations.

It could also help to control your oily skin as it has been shown to help control sebum production in acne prone skin. The science is sketchy, but since this is a natural product it could be worth trying on your skin to see what effect it has.

Witch Hazel for Oily Acne Prone Skin

Witch hazel is an astringent. Using it as a toner can help to mattify the skin which is especially helpful if you have acne and other skin issues.

Rose Water Benefits for Oily Skin

The smell of rosewater might remind you of your nan but this traditional remedy helps to control excess oil in the skin.

It also helps to cool the skin, reduce inflammation, unclog pores and reduce the size of the pores. So ask nan where she gets hers from, and follow suit!

Exfoliants to Manage Oily Skin

Exfoliating means using a product that helps to remove dead skin cells and other cellular debris from the surface of the skin. It leaves the skin feeling brighter and smoother, but also helps with skin oiliness.

The trick is to not exfoliate more than once or perhaps twice a week. Exfoliating too much could cause the skin to produce excess sebum to compensate for the potential drying effects of exfoliating.

Products containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid are good exfoliants for oily skin.

Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy fruit acid that lifts dead skin cells from deep within the pores. It also clears away excess oil which helps to prevent clogged pores and resulting spots and breakouts.

Salicylic acid is a gentle product that removes dead skin cells and excess oil without causing irritation and keeps your skin looking clear and fresh.

Use both products sparingly if you have very oily skin, to strike the balance between removing oil and debris from the skin, and not forcing the pores to produce excess sebum.

If you're looking for a more natural scrub for oily skin, try using the Sönd Purifying Clay Face Mask which has a gentle exfoliating effect. Again, only use these once a week to avoid your skin going into oil production overdrive.

Can Oils be Good for Oily Skin?

It might feel counterintuitive using oils to help control oily skin. But some oils can actually help nourish and mattify and maintain skin health.

Jojoba oil is a very light oil that is very similar in structure to the sebum that the skin naturally produces. Oily skin occurs as a result of too much sebum being produced. Applying jojoba oil to the skin makes the skin think it's produced enough sebum , and will therefore reduce its production.

Which is excellent for oily skin!

Other oils that are lightweight and good for people with oily skin are argan and rosehip oils . They both gently moisturise without overloading the pores.

Rosehip oil is high in natural omega fatty acids called linoleic acid and linolenic acid. These fatty acids help to nourish and support oily skin.

Evening primrose oil and hemp seed oil are also rich in these fatty acids and are good for oily skin.

Avoiding oils with a high concentration of oleic acid

Oils with a high concentration of a natural fatty acid called oleic acid are not recommended for oily skin. This means that coconut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil are out. They will overload the skin with oil.

Almond oil is a non-comedogenic oil, which means that it won't block the pores. But it's best used on dry skin, rather than oil skin as it can be very moisturising.

Essential Oils for Oily Skincare

Some essential oils that you may use in the bath or in an oil burner can also help to control oily skin conditions and soothe skin damage.

Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial properties, making it useful for people with acne prone skin as it naturally kills the bacteria responsible for many causes of acne.

For those of us with oily skin, tea tree oil can still help as it helps to clear blocked pores. Blocked pores tend to overcompensate and produce more sebum, leading to oilier skin. The clearer the pores, the better for more manageable sebum production.

Lavender and eucalyptus oils can have the same benefits and therefore your oily skin may benefit from using them.

Although peppermint oil can be beneficial for people with spots or acne prone skin, it's one of the best supplements for eczema and is better left for dry skin conditions such as itchy eczema, rather than oily skin. Never apply essential oils directly to problem skin as they can irritate. Instead add a few drops to a carrier oil such as jojoba oil.

Natural Remedies for Oily Skin

Aside from shop bought dedicated skincare products that you can apply to the skin, there are treatments and remedies that you can use to help support oily skin, using products you may already have at home.

Steam for Oily Skin

Steaming your skin by holding your face over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head is great for opening the pores and clearing them of dead skin cells and dirt, but most importantly, of excess oil.

Using a steam bath can also help kill the bacteria that leads to acne breakouts. Only use warm to hot water, not boiling water and if your skin begins to feel irritated, stop.

Is Honey Good for Oily Skin?

Honey has natural antibacterial properties that can help acne prone skin, but it's also a known humectant. This means that it draws moisture from the atmosphere into the skin, helping to hydrate it, without making it oily.

Use a thin layer of honey as a mask once a week to soothe and hydrate oily skin.

Avocado Mask for Oily Skin

If you can stand to use an avocado for anything other than eating, then mashing one up and applying it as a face mask is said to not only soothe the skin, but remove excess oil.

We can't vouch for this but it could be the perfect way to use up overripe avocados!

Is Green Tea Good for Oily Skin?

Green tea contains a natural chemical called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG has an antioxidant effect which is great for all types of skin but it can also block the action of the male hormone, or androgen, DHT, a precursor to testosterone.

Excess of androgens can cause oily skin , so using green tea extract on your skin can help to reduce oiliness.

Milk of Magnesia Primer for Oily Skin

Usually used as an indigestion remedy, milk of magnesia contains a chalky substance which is effective at removing excess oil from the skin. It's usually found in liquid form, so use it on a cotton wool pad as a toner before you moisturise.

Oats for Oily Skin

Oat masks are excellent for absorbing excess oil from oily skin. This is because oats contain a substance called beta glucans that allow oats to hold water, making them ideal for applying to the face as a relaxing mask to allow the skin to absorb the water content. This helps to cleanse and hydrate without leaving the skin feeling oily.

Mix enough oats with warm water to make a thick paste and apply it to the skin for 15 minutes. Add honey and / or yoghurt for an extra indulgent new skin treat.

Yoghurt is high in zinc which acts as a gentle astringent to rid the skin of excess oil. Only ever use natural, unsweetened, unflavoured yoghurt.

Omega-3 Supplements for Oily Skin

Omega 3 is a type of fatty acid that the body uses for, amongst other things, reducing inflammation. Fish oils are a rich source of omega-3, but vegan supplements are available made from the same source as oily fish get their omega-3 from - algae.

These kinds of supplements for oily skin therefore work by reducing inflammation that can then reduce sebum production.

The Worst Foods for Oily Skin

As we mentioned previously, dairy milk and other dairy products can make oily skin worse. This is due to the presence of bovine (cow) hormones that can mimic human hormones and raise testosterone and ultimately, sebum levels.


Sugar can also raise sebum production in the skin since sugar is an inflammatory food. Therefore, refined carbs, such as white bread and pasta, that are quickly turned to sugar during digestion, can also make oily skin feel worse.


Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it makes us pass urine more often, potentially causing dehydration. Drinking alcohol can also cause cortisol levels to rise and both dehydration and cortisol can lead to an increase in sebum production.

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin

We hope this guide to healthy skin care ingredients and vitamins for oily skin has been helpful. We suggest you take it with you when you shop and look for products that contain the beneficial products we've mentioned here.

Hopefully now you can go shopping armed with all this information and look for the products that you think might suit your oily skin best.

It's going to be a case of trial and error, not least because everyone's skin is uniquely different and will depend on the cause of your oily skin. We wish you all the best in finding the best supplements for oily skin that work for you!



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