Causes and treatments for acne rosacea

In this Article

What is Acne Rosacea Caused By
Acne Rosacea and Diet
What Else Causes Acne Rosacea on the Face
Acne Rosacea Treatment
Treating Skin Thickened by Acne Rosacea
Treating Eye Problems Caused by Acne Rosacea
How to Treat Acne Rosacea Naturally
Skincare for Acne Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes a reddening of the skin, mainly in the face. This reddening can be temporary, characterised by a hot, flushed feeling, or it can become permanent. Rosacea symptoms can also include a burning or tingling sensation in the skin.

Acne rosacea cause and symptoms vary. The redness associated with rosacea usually affects the cheeks, nose and chin, but it can spread upwards to the forehead or downwards towards the neck and chest.

In some people with rosacea, their skin can become so red and inflamed that it causes the thin blood vessels under the skin to become visible.

Spots and cysts can also form, leading to acne rosacea. Unlike acne, acne rosacea doesn’t cause blackheads and oily skin, but like acne can lead to red bumps and pus-filled spots on the skin. It’s possible to have acne and rosacea at the same time.

Having acne rosacea can also mean that your skin becomes dry, sensitive, itchy, painful or swollen. Red, raised, thickened patches of skin can also develop around the nose as well as irritation and inflammation in the eyes (ocular rosacea) and around the eyelids (blepharitis).

Rosacea and acne rosacea are conditions that can be dormant for a while, and then flare up periodically, depending on their triggers.

Acne rosacea causes and symptoms can lead to feelings of embarrassment, low self-esteem and feeling depressed and we completely understand. Here we discuss the symptoms and causes of acne rosacea and the treatments you might find effective.

What is Acne Rosacea Caused By?

The exact acne rosacea cause is not known, but it can be caused by abnormalities in the delicate blood vessels of the facial skin.

A tiny mite called demodex folliculorum that naturally lives on the skin is also thought to contribute to acne rosacea. People with the condition appear to have much larger numbers of this mite living on their skin but this also may well be a consequence of having acne rosacea rather than actually causing it.

Exercise, exposure to the sun, stress, having a hot bath, feeling hot and uncomfortable or feeling cold can all be acne rosacea causes. Being in strong winds or humid conditions can also be triggers for acne rosacea.

Perimenopausal acne rosacea can affect women who are approaching menopausal age. The menopause itself can also be an acne rosace cause or trigger.

Acne Rosacea and Diet

What causes acne rosacea flare ups? Diet seems to be a big trigger. Acne rosacea diet triggers include hot drinks, hot, spicy foods, dairy products, caffeine and alcohol.

Everyone is different and can have different triggers and causes for acne rosacea flare ups. But if you find that any of these foods or drinks lead to a worsening of your symptoms, then it’s best to avoid them as much as possible.

What Else Causes Acne Rosacea on the Face?

Acne rosacea can affect anyone, but there are some people who are more likely to develop the condition.

Females over the age of 30 are at a higher risk, as well as those with skin that easily burns in the sun and those that smoke. Having a genetic link will also increase our risk, so if someone in our family has acne rosacea, we’ll be more likely to also develop it.

Acne Rosacea Treatment

There is no definitive cure for acne rosacea, but you can take steps and use medications to reduce your symptoms and support your skin.

How to get rid of acne rosacea symptoms will be different for everyone, but here are some common treatment options.

Oral Antibiotics

Low dose doxycycline antibiotics are often prescribed for acne rosacea as well as oxytetracycline and tetracycline antibiotic drugs. These are normally prescribed for four to six weeks or longer to help reduce inflammation.

Oral Isotretinoin

Isotretinoin is a medicine often used to treat severe acne, but at lower doses it's also occasionally used to treat rosacea. It’s a strong medication that’s only available on prescription from a skincare specialist doctor. Isotretinoin isn’t prescribed to pregnant women or women trying to become pregnant, as it can cause birth defects.

It can cause a range of side effects that your doctor will discuss with you. These include:

Severely dry, sometimes cracked, skin, especially around the lips and nostrils Conjunctivitis or inflammation of the eyelids (called blepharitis) Changes in your mood Headaches Join and muscle pain Blood in your urine

Antibiotic Creams

Metronidazole antibiotic cream can also be used to help treat recurrent pus-filled spots and angry, red, inflamed skin caused by acne rosacea.

Topical Treatments

As well as antibiotic creams, topical treatments for acne rosacea include ivermectin and brimonidine creams and gels.

Ivermectin is effective for treating pus-filled spots caused by acne rosacea and can be less irritating than metronidazole creams. It also helps to kill the skin mites that can contribute to the symptoms of acne rosacea.

Brimonidine tartrate topical treatment for acne rosacea works by reducing the amount the blood vessels in the face can widen, helping to reduce redness and flushing.

Over the Counter Treatments

Azelaic acid is available in cream form from pharmacies without a prescription. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory which can be incredibly useful for helping to treat acne rosacea.

Laser Treatment

Intense pulsed light (IPL) laser treatments can also help to reduce redness, visible blood vessels and flushing.


Avoiding the trigger foods mentioned above can help support an effective treatment plan for acne rosacea.

Treating Skin Thickened by Acne Rosacea

Some people with acne rosacea can develop a thickening of the skin around the nose. This is more likely in people with severe cases of acne rosacea and is called rhinophyma. It results in the nose becoming visibly larger and very red.

Speak to your GP if you think you’re developing rhinophyma, as you may be suitable for surgery to reduce the thickening and improve the appearance of your nose.

Treating Eye Problems Caused by Acne Rosacea

Ocular rosacea can become dangerous, so it’s important to speak to your GP or skin specialist if you think your eyes are being affected by your rosacea.

Your doctor can prescribe eye drops or ointments that lubricate the eyes. If these prove unsuccessful, they will then refer you to a specialist eye doctor for further treatments.

How to Treat Acne Rosacea Naturally

As well as conventional medical treatments, some people find that they can manage their acne rosacea symptoms naturally:

Herbal Treatments

Using tea tree oil and aloe vera can calm facial skin affected by acne rosacea, and an oatmeal-based face mask can be incredibly calming. Used chamomile tea bags, cooled down and pressed onto the skin as a compress can also help to soothe red, hot skin. Sönd Ozonated olive oil can also be a great help.

Homoeopathic Medications

To help treat redness of the skin, try the homoeopathic remedy, agaricus muscarius. For pus-filled acne rosacea spots, some people find psorinum or silicea tablets effective.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Ayurvedic treatments can help to tackle the underlying causes of acne rosacea by helping to treat excess heat in the skin and clear away a build-up of toxins.

Green tea cream is helpful for reducing redness and inflammation and an Ayurvedic practitioner can help guide you through a Panchakarma five step process of cleansing and purging to help clear the skin.

Herbal, homoeopathic and Ayurvedic treatments for acne rosacea are ideally used as part of a whole body, holistic approach, with a carefully planned diet rich in plant-based foods, gentle exercise and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Skincare for Acne Rosacea

At Sönd our mission is to empower anyone with acne or rosacea prone skin to take control of their skin and manage their symptoms. So we developed a range of skincare for acne that supports and nourishes problem skin types.

Unlike many other products that claim to help treat acne and acne rosacea, our range is made with alkalising ingredients rather than acidic. They help to encourage and support stronger, healthier more hydrated skin. So why not try our alkaline products to see how they could transform your skin?


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