Understanding Our Skin
A integrative approach and the lifestyle elements that can affect the health of our skin isn’t something that is spoken about enough. We have partnered with the best in class health and wellness professionals to provide our community with information and approaches that we know can help improve skin health and overall wellness.
Milia are tiny, white headed, raised bumps that form on the skin of the face and chest. They’re most common on the skin around the eyes and eyelids, nose, cheeks and forehead. That said, it’s still possible to develop milia anywhere else on the body, including the back and genital area. Here we put milia in the Sönd skin spotlight.
READ MOREHow well do you know your pimples? Can you tell the difference between a whitehead and blackhead? Don’t worry if you can’t – you’re definitely not alone – our helpful guide will teach you how to spot the difference, what causes what, and how to treat those pesky pimples – whether their heads are black or white.
READ MOREPerhaps not as well known as their counterparts, blackheads, whiteheads are a common type of spot that can cause annoying bumps on the skin. So what are whiteheads and how do they form? And more importantly, how do we get rid of a whitehead and help to prevent them from returning? Here’s the Sönd lowdown on whiteheads.
READ MORESo can we get rid of scars on our skin? In particular, what gets rid of acne scars? Do they fade? Does their cause impact how well they might disappear? How about our skin colour and type? Here we’re going to talk about how scars form and how we might be able to get rid of them.
READ MOREWhy does the skin on our face sometimes itch and what causes an itchy face? How can we soothe our itchy skin and stop it from feeling so annoyingly ‘there’ all the time? Here, we delve deep into the what, why and how of itchy skin.
READ MOREClogged, blocked, congested. They all mean the same thing when it comes to our skin, or more specifically, our pores. Pores that become clogged, blocked or congested will all have the same fate too - spots and acne breakouts. Here’s our lowdown on congested pores, how to prevent them and how to treat them.
READ MOREWe might have heard of collagen in terms of collagen fillers that promise to plump up the cheeks and make our lips fuller. But what some of us might not know is that collagen is naturally present in our bodies already.
READ MOREVitamins run from A to Z - but what about the other minerals that we need to thrive that aren’t so straightforward? Here’s some of the minerals we think are most important to keep an eye on
READ MORENutrition
Our skin cells are constantly renewing from deep within the lower layers and then pushing upwards, eliminating the old, dull, dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. How we nourish our skin from the inside will affect the health of these new skin cells, and how well our skin regenerates itself.
What a lot of people might not know is that coeliac disease can affect far more than just your digestive system, it can also really affect your skin. Coeliac disease skin problems are very real for some people. An itchy, scratchy rash on your skin - often mistaken for eczema - can actually be a symptom of coeliac disease.
READ MORECan sugar have an effect on our skin that we might not even be aware of? Could it be causing some of the skin symptoms such as spots and irritation that we’re struggling with, without us even making the connection? As ever, let’s find out…
READ MORESo what should we be eating for breakfast if we want to avoid sugar? What impact does it have on our energy levels, health and skin if we start the day with a bowl full of sugar? Here’s our lowdown on sugar, breakfast and getting the best energy packed start to the day.
READ MOREIf you have an allergy or intolerance to dairy, you might be feeling stuck on what to consume instead of milk, cheese and other common dairy products. You might feel the same if you’re thinking about going vegan or looking for dairy alternatives for other reasons too. Here’s our take on the wide array of choices you have if you’re deciding to ditch the dairy to help support your skin or for any other reason.
READ MOREIf you have a food allergy, then you’ll know the seriousness of the symptoms that can be caused if you accidentally consume a small amount of the food or ingredient that you’re allergic to. Here we discuss food allergies and their impact on the skin. But first, let’s look at the difference between food allergies and food intolerances.
READ MOREAside from keeping us awake and more alert, what’s the impact of drinking coffee on our body? More specifically, on our skin? (We are a skin care brand after all.) We took it upon ourselves to find out how coffee can impact our skin, both directly and indirectly.
READ MOREWhat if chocolate was somehow affecting the health and appearance of our skin? It’s the age old, old wives’ tale isn’t it, that chocolate “gives you spots” and causes acne. But is this true? Not necessarily. What about sugar, and dairy? Can they cause our skin to break out? Can food allergies affect our skin? Quite possibly, yes. So let’s take a look at the key ingredients in chocolate, and one by one, consider what they could be doing to our skin. And we’ll begin with the good news, by looking at one of the huge skin benefits to eating chocolate…
READ MOREIn this article, we take a closer look at the role that collagen plays and explain how people can boost collagen within the body. Moreover, we will outline some of the ingredients to look out for when trying to stimulate collagen production for skin care purposes, and point out some of the ingredients that are best to stay away from.
READ MOREPacked with vitamins and minerals, not just iron, green fruit and veg is rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds that are essential for health. They help to support good immunity and keep inflammation and chronic inflammatory diseases such as dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity at bay. Not only that, eating our greens will also help to support healthy, glowing and happy skin. Here we look at the how and why behind green veg and our skin.
READ MORECan a skin supplement work to maintain healthy, plump, youthful and blemish free skin? Or are we better off concentrating on the skin care products that we apply on the outside of the skin? Rather than supplements that tackle things from the inside? Here’s our take on all things skin supplement, and why we’re such big fans of our own skin care supplement…
READ MORELooking after our health is a well documented case of eating well, taking regular exercise, avoiding stress where possible, getting plenty of restful, nourishing sleep and reducing our alcohol intake. But what if we could do more than that? What if we could utilise what we already have - our innate ability to adapt and survive - to be even healthier, more successful and have a stronger immune system? Well, we can! And it’s all hidden in the power of the Wim Hof Method. So what is the Wim Hof Method, how do we do it and what are the benefits?
READ MOREResearch has shown that stress is a major factor affecting the health of our skin and body as a whole. Many of us now live in a constant state of stress which is having a hugely adverse effect on our skin and health. It is difficult to see the effect stress has on our health as it can build up over time so often goes unnoticed.
READ MOREAffirmations can actually help rewire our brains - much like exercise, they raise the level of feel-good hormones and help form ‘positive thought’ neuron clusters. Our brains work in a thought-speech-action way, and affirmations can help break patterns of negative thoughts, which in turn affects speech and actions.
READ MORECrystals, sound baths, reiki… just a decade ago, these sorts of spiritual interests were out on the fringes of wellness. Perhaps you’d give them a go at Glastonbury, or read about a Hollywood celebrity dabbling in them, but they were definitely not a fixture in your own home. But while we’re all aware of them, it can be daunting to dip a toe into these trends without knowing a whole lot about them. So we’ve stripped away the guff of three of the most useful wellness trends during these stressful times, and given you a really simple insight into each of them, arming you with enough information to go ahead and investigate any that stick out to you!
READ MOREYou might not think it, when you’re midway through a run or gym session, and you feel like you’ve got a face redder than a beetroot. But once that redness disappears, post-exercise, your skin will thank you for it. Exercise definitely helps skin glow!
READ MOREWhat is sweat and why do we do it? In particular, is sweating good for our skin? What about the other effects of sweat on our skin, the good, the bad and the ugly? We took it upon ourselves to find out if there are any benefits of sweating on the skin. And the results certainly made us a little hot under the collar…
READ MOREWhat if your bed, your cosy, warm, comforting bed, was causing spots and acne… Yep, our safest place could be contributing to our stressed out, non conformist skin. This could be down to the laundry products we use and how often we change our sheets. Our towels and face cloths don’t escape either, as they could also be doing more harm than good. So here’s the Sönd lowdown on the everyday things that could be upsetting the natural balance of your skin.
READ MOREWashing powders, household cleaners, soaps and even unwashed new clothes all enter our homes and we could be unwittingly inviting no end of skin irritants along with them for the ride. So here’s a look at the common skin irritants to consider if your skin is stressed out or acting up. But first up, how to recognise irritated skin…
READ MORE'Detox' has emerged as a popular concept in recent years and almost everyone will have, at the very least, encountered references to detox diets, detox fasting, abstinence from certain substances and cleansing therapies. We will now take a closer look at some of the benefits of the detox process on your skin, examine some of the components that make up a successful detox for the skin and explain how you can take steps to remove impurities and improve the health of your skin.
READ MORECold, wet, icy, windy weather can play havoc with our skin, even if our skin is relatively ‘normal’ most days. Throw acne prone skin, dryness, sensitivities and skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema into the mix, and we can have some very stressed out skin indeed. Here we look at the impact of cold weather on our skin, what it can do and how we can combat the ill effects of wintry weather.
READ MOREHouseplants are good for the air, we are all aware of that. They’re also proven to be great for your mental health and productivity. But did you know they have specific benefits for your skin, too? A study by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and Reading University has been studying the benefits of houseplants, and the findings are unbe-leaf-able (sorry). The study looked at some common houseplants and ranked them, so we’ve broken down the findings of the top five.
READ MOREPolycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS for short, is a condition that affects the ovaries and how they work. It’s a common condition, affecting around one in every ten women of reproductive age. (That is, those women that have started their periods but have not yet experienced the menopause.) As well as period related symptoms, PCOS can also affect the skin and cause oiliness and acne. So this week, we’re going to talk about PCOS, what it is, possible causes and how it can affect the skin.
READ MOREPregnancy, post pregnancy (postpartum) and breastfeeding can all also influence how our skin behaves, and is down to hormonal control. So let’s take a look at how breastfeeding and a postpartum body can affect our skin and what postpartum skincare changes you might need to think about.
READ MOREone of the most noticeable impacts on our skin, is that of our ever changing hormones throughout our menstrual cycle. Our skin and menstrual cycle can be more connected than we think. That random spot or full on breakout could be caused by our hormones and linked to our cycle. So here’s the lowdown on hormones, stressed out skin and our menstrual cycle.
READ MOREStronger healthier skin? Skin that stays hydrated and radiant throughout the day? Can all this be achieved by something as seemingly simple as switching to alkaline skincare products? Yes, and here’s how!
READ MOREWhatever your skin type, whatever your routine, one thing is for certain, gently exfoliating regularly will be (mostly) beneficial. But what does exfoliating do? How do we do it? What should we be using to exfoliate with? And importantly, how often should we exfoliate? Here’s our ultimate guide to exfoliating.
READ MOREMost commonly known as fake tan, those little bottles of liquid suntan are also known as self tan and self bronzers. They’re generally a liquid that you either add directly to your skin or mix with a moisturiser and then add to your skin. So here’s our lowdown on the best fake tan for acne prone skin, and all the dos and don’ts.
READ MORESome skin care product hype might well be a little bit of a marketing ploy to make us part with our money. Such as expensive body creams that promise to eradicate stretch marks and cellulite. But others most certainly aren’t. Perhaps the most basic is the topic of this article (don’t you love it when a plan comes together?). There really is a need to use certain types of moisturiser on certain types of the body. But that’s not to say you can’t do some skin care swaps or doubling up if you need to. Here’s everything we know about what moisturiser to use and where.
READ MOREIf you’ve ever experienced your cream or your foundation clumping up and forming little embarrassing rolls all over your face, you’ll know what I mean. So why does this happen? Why is our moisturiser rolling off our skin even a thing? Are there certain products that are more prone to this so-called ‘pilling’ than others? Are we applying these products right? Are we preparing our skin correctly? Let’s find out.
READ MORECruelty free brands and products are so normal now, that to see ‘cruelty free’ on skin care packaging is pretty standard. But what does it mean? What’s the ‘leaping bunny’ all about? If a brand doesn't display the leaping bunny, does it automatically mean that they’re to be demonised? Here’s the facts on what cruelty free means in terms of skin care products.
READ MOREFacial cleanser or face wash…? Perhaps you’ve considered how to clean your face and what to use to do so. Maybe you’re Team Face Wash all the way. Or maybe you’re always on the side of a cleanser. But if you haven’t ever given it much thought, then maybe it’s time you did. Could your skin be behaving all contrary because you’re using something to cleanse with, that it doesn’t particularly like? Would your skin react better to something different?
READ MOREShould we be keeping care products in the fridge? Should we be making space amongst the cartons of milk and pushing last night's leftovers aside to make room for our skin creams and lotions? Well, according to some, yes we do! So here, we’re going to take a look at this trend and see what refrigerating our skin care products is all about.
READ MOREShould we all be a one size fits all and use one moisturiser all over? Do we really need different creams for different areas of our skin? Here, we take a look at one aspect of this conundrum - can we use hand cream on our faces? Or should what’s meant for the hands, stay on the hands, and what’s meant for the face, stay on the face…?
READ MOREIt’s the age old conundrum, isn’t it? You get what you pay for. But what about skin care? Does spending extra on our cleansers, moisturisers and other items that we keep in our bathroom cabinets also pay dividends? Do the more expensive products and brands have more benefits to our skin? Or could we get the same benefits from cheaper products that claim to do the same job? Here’s our take on the topic.
READ MOREUsing the wrong kind of makeup for our skin type could actually be doing us a disservice and making things worse. So, could the products that you’re using to cover your misbehaving skin actually be what’s causing it to misbehave? Here’s our take on makeup for non conformist skin.
READ MOREIf you’ve ever deliberated on how long you should leave a cleanser on your face, then you’re in the right place. Here’s the Sönd lowdown on how long we should all aim to be cleansing for.
READ MOREIt is important for those with sensitive skin to take the time to find the best face moisturiser for their skin type, rather than one that leaves their skin feeling dry, irritated or inflamed. So what is it about skin care products that irritates sensitive skin types and what moisturiser should they look for instead?
READ MOREIf you’ve even seen those tiny rolling pin type gadgets on your Insta feed, that are used on the face, you’ve seen a lymphatic roller. (Or you might have seen a teeny tiny baker, but it’s doubtful.) So, let’s talk about the virtues of lymphatic rolling and taking your cleansing and exfoliating to a whole new level.
READ MOREHave you ever heard of cosmeceuticals? If you haven’t, you’re not alone, after all, they do have a pretty unusual name as far as skin care products go. In this article, we’re going to discover what these strange sounding skin care products are, what they do and how we might use them.
READ MOREHow many skin care products do we really need and is a face serum really worth it? As part of our range of alkalising, nourishing, skin supporting skin care, we have our very own face serum, so we completely believe in them. Here’s why.
READ MOREThere's a lot more at play, including how ‘healthy’ SPFs can be, or not be, to us and the planet. You may have heard about mineral sunscreens, as opposed to the ‘normal’ chemical based sunscreens available in chemists and supermarkets. What are mineral sunscreens and are they any better? Here’s the Sönd lowdown on chemical vs mineral sunscreens…
READ MOREDoes it take days, weeks or months for our skin to settle down and get used to a product? Will it be only then that we see actual results? How long do we give skincare to work? Might we give up too soon and miss out on skincare that gives us fabulous skin? Or will we spend a fortune and waste it on skincare that we just keep persevering with? Ever the investigators, we had a look to see what the experts say. How long should we give it to see if a skincare product works for us? Here’s what we found.
READ MOREHow much attention do you pay to use by, sell by and best before dates on foods and perishable items? Do you know the difference between all three? It’s a tricky one, granted. Many of us don't think about use by dates on our makeup and skin care products. Which is a shame, because they exist, and they’re important. So here’s the truth on when you should throw away certain skin care products.
READ MOREA foaming cleanser, by virtue of its name, will foam up when you use it, usually after mixing it with water. Generally, a foaming cleanser will need to be mixed with water in your hands and applied to the face with a gentle massaging motion. It’ll then generally need to be rinsed away or wiped off with a damp face cloth. But how do they remove dirt and do they remove makeup?
READ MOREA foaming cleanser, by virtue of its name, will foam up when you use it, usually after mixing it with water. Generally, a foaming cleanser will need to be mixed with water in your hands and applied to the face with a gentle massaging motion. It’ll then generally need to be rinsed away or wiped off with a damp face cloth. But how do they remove dirt and do they remove makeup?
READ MOREMany acne spot creams on the market promise to zap the unwanted visitor at quick speed. But do acne spot creams really work? To find out, first of all, we need to understand the science behind spots and why we get them.
READ MOREAHA stands for alpha hydroxy acid - which, for most of us, doesn’t really help our understanding of what AHAs are or what they’re for. Ever on the quest to simplify skin care and how to best manage our skin (especially if it’s stressed out, acne prone or a little bit contrary), here’s the Sönd lowdown on what AHAs are, how they can benefit the skin and how best to use them.
READ MORENot all alcohols are considered the same when it comes to skin care. So here’s the Sönd take on alcohols in skin care, and why we’ve chosen to use certain types of alcohol in our cleanser, day time moisturiser and serum.
READ MORETime and time again, we find scientific evidence of the benefits of antioxidants in skin care. But what are they, and what do antioxidants for the skin really do? Here’s our look at antioxidants and how they can benefit the skin.
READ MOREArgan oil is a plant oil derived from the argan tree, which is found in Morocco. The oil is used by the people of Morocco as a traditional cosmetic treatment for hair and skin. Here we explore the benefits of Argan oil and how to use it.
READ MOREHailed as an alternative to Botox, what is it about argireline that makes it work, and does it really work? Here’s our view on this new skin care ingredient on the block.
READ MOREBetaine, also sometimes known as trimethylglycine, is a naturally occurring substance that’s derived from the sugar beet plant. It’s a substance that the body requires for certain biological functions. Betaine as a skincare ingredient is used to help to hydrate the skin. What is betaine in skincare, how does it work, and crucially, does betaine in skincare actually work.
READ MOREUsed mainly for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile has a rich history of use for a variety of symptoms and conditions. Many studies have confirmed that chamomile has strong relaxing properties and is capable of helping us when our nerves feel frazzled. So, let’s take a closer look at the chamomile skin benefits we might notice from using it in our skincare regime. What does chamomile do for the skin, how does it work and what results can we realistically expect?
READ MORECoconut oil is extracted from the fleshy "meat" found inside the nut of the coconut palm (cocos nucifera) and has been used as an important health and skincare ingredient for centuries in the tropical regions where it grows. Coconut oil for skin in the Western world is a relatively new phenomenon, so let’s take a closer look at how to use coconut oil for skin.
READ MOREIf you've ever wondered, “is coconut oil good for your face?”, you've come to the right place. There are plenty of ways you can use this healthy oil in your facial skincare routine. It's affordable, easy to find and contains nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy and youthful.
READ MORECyclopentasiloxane in effect, is a type of silicone. It’s also used as a lubricant and emollient, as it helps the skin and hair absorb heavier, larger molecular weight ingredients. Plus it helps to give products a smooth, silky feel. Also known as decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, thankfully, it’s often referred to as simply, D5. It’s colourless, odourless and is always found in liquid form.
READ MOREIn this article, we take a look at an ingredient you may have come across called DMAE, or dimethyl MEA. What is DMAE for skin, is it good for the skin and why is DMAE used in skincare products?
READ MOREEmulsifiers might sound like they’re from a DIY shop, as anyone who’s ever painted a wall will be familiar with white emulsion, used to whitewash walls or as a base coat. But emulsifiers (that have nothing to do with colour) play an important role in some skincare products. So, what are emulsifiers in skincare? Here’s everything you need to know about emulsifiers in skincare!
READ MOREWhat are the health benefits of Epsom bath salts? Well, they include relaxing the body and mind and helping to soothe and nourish stressed out skin. But there’s much more than that to these relatively cheap and simple salts. So what are they? And what are the health benefits of Epsom bath salts? This week, we took a deeper look to find out more.
READ MOREAccording to a Cosmetic Ingredient Review conducted in 2014, glycerin is the third most common ingredient in skincare products. Perhaps unsurprisingly, water is first and fragrance is second. You may also see glycerin listed in ingredients lists as glycerine or glycerol. So what does glycerin do for skin? Deeply hydrates and nourishes! At Sönd, we use glycerin because it’s so beneficial. Here’s everything you need to know about glycerin as a skin care ingredient. We’ll cover what it is, how it works and how it benefits the skin.
READ MOREHemp seed oil is extracted from the seed and fibrous stems of the Cannabis sativa plant. It’s usually extracted by cold press methods, meaning that there’s only minimal processing involved, with no heat or chemical solvents used to extract the oil (which can degrade the nutritional quality of the resulting oil). Here’s the Sönd lowdown on the health benefits of hemp oil on skin.
READ MOREHumectants are found in products designed to help moisturise the skin. Not only found in skin and body moisturisers, humectants are also found in other moisturising products such as shampoos and body washes. Here’s all you need to know about humectants in skincare, who should use them and who is best to avoid them.
READ MOREHyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body and is found most abundantly in the eyes, joints and skin. It’s a clear, thick liquid like substance and is used by the body to help retain water levels in the eyes, joints and skin to help keep them well hydrated and lubricated. So in this article we’re going to discuss this skin care ingredient in detail, including what it is, how it benefits the skin and who should use it.
READ MOREHydrocortisone is an ingredient added to some skin care creams and ointments designed to help certain skin conditions. But there’s some common confusion surrounding the use of hydrocortisone, especially on the face. Can you use hydrocortisone on the face? If so, how long can you use it for? Can it make some skin conditions worse? Or is it beneficial? Ever the fact finders, here’s the truth about hydrocortisone, and everything you need to know about using it.
READ MOREOn your label reading adventures, you may have come across an ingredient called linalool and wondered what it was. So we’re here to tell you all about linalool, what it does, why we add it to some of our skincare products and importantly, is linalool good for the skin. But before we talk about linalool skincare, here’s why it’s important to keep tabs on the ingredients listed on your skincare products.
READ MOREMarigold flower benefits for the skin are exceptional with an extraordinary range of plus points for the skin. Keep reading to discover why marigold flower extract is a popular ingredient in skincare products, and why marigold extract for skin should be included in your daily skincare routine.
READ MOREUsually found in many different types of moisturisers, mineral oil helps to add moisture back into dry skin. But with so much negative press, is it really that dangerous or harmful? Why is mineral oil bad for skin? Ever the investigators, we did some research to find out whether or not we should all be using, or avoiding, mineral oil.
READ MOREAcross the globe, moringa is taken as a supplement or added to breakfast smoothies to help support the health of the heart, bones, stomach and liver as well as helping to support good mental health. But there are also benefits to the skin both when taken internally and when used topically on the skin (which is why we’ve added it to two of our skin care products, but more on those later…). So here we look into this ingredient in more detail, and find out exactly how it benefits the skin and how and when we should use it...
READ MORENiacinamide is also known as nicotinamide, and despite its name, has nothing to do with nicotine! It’s actually one type of vitamin B3, the other type being niacin. The human body needs vitamin B3 for releasing energy from food and for a healthy nervous system and skin. Foods rich in vitamin B3 include meat, fish, eggs and products made with wheat flour such as bread and pasta. In this article we’re going to talk in depth about what niacinamide is, how it works and what it does to benefit the skin.
READ MOREParabens are a group of ingredients found in everything from facial moisturisers and antiperspirants to shampoos and body washes. Over the years there have been many studies into the safety of parabens, with mixed results (hence the big question mark). So what exactly are parabens, are skincare products with parabens safe and how can we avoid them if we’d like to? Does paraben free skincare exist? Here’s our lowdown.
READ MOREOne of the new types of skin care ingredients emerging are peptides. Are they safe? What are they and what do they do? We took it upon ourselves to find out.
READ MORERetinoids are a group of compounds that are derived from vitamin A. They can sometimes be referred to as retinoic acid, but most of the time, you’ll see them listed on skincare products such as topical retinoid creams, as retinoids. So what are retinoids for? How do topical retinoids work and how effective are they? Here’s everything you need to know about retinoids for the skin.
READ MOREThere are many shea butter skincare benefits and once you know what they are, you'll wonder why you waited this long to give it a try. If your products don't contain this beneficial ingredient, consider switching because shea butter skincare products are effective and will help you get the healthy, glowing complexion you crave. Is shea butter good for skin? You be it is! Here’s why.
READ MOREIt’s no secret that here at Sönd, we’re fans of silica. It’s the superstar ingredient in our alkalising skincare range and the key ingredient that makes us stand out in our holistic approach to skincare. But what actually is silica? Is it different from silicon? Or silicone? Silica isn’t heard of very often, so why do we love it so much? And why is it so beneficial for our bodies, in particular, our skin?
READ MORESqualane is an amazing skin care ingredient that helps to hydrate the skin without blocking the pores. This makes squalane ideal for gently hydrating oily skin without the heaviness of some other hydrating ingredients. It also makes it ideal for supporting dry skin without overloading the skin and making it oily. So here’s the lowdown on squalane, what it is, how it works and why you should be using squalane for skin in your skincare regime!
READ MOREWhile we appreciate the benefits of SPFs and protecting our skin against the sun’s rays we believe there are two sides to this argument. In this article, we’re going to give a balanced, scientific argument on the pros and cons of SPFs, and as we all know the benefits of protecting our skin from the sun, we’re going to start with the negatives to give a different perspective.
READ MOREVitamin D is essential for strong teeth and bones. But a deficiency is also linked with SAD, and is linked with a reduction in daily sunlight hours. But, is there also a link between vitamin D supplements and a darkening of the skin? Does taking vitamin D supplements make your skin darker? Could vitamin D help us tan more easily since there’s a link between sunlight (which definitely does darken exposed skin) and vitamin D production? Let’s find out.
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The antidote to stressed out skin
Day & Night Trio
The Day & Night Trio acts as the core of our range and has delivered great results for many of our customers. This trio consists of our Cream Cleanser, Day Cream, and Night Cream.